ML interest group meeting

computational biology - since 2009

Topics in Computational Biology & Analysis of Scientific Data using R >> DETAILS

Type: seminar / practical
for medical students in the clinical phase or post graduate studies (e.g. Dr. rer. medic) or senior scientists (2 SWS [double periods+preparation]).

genome medicine

Genome Medicine and Molecular Networks >> DETAILS

Type: lecture / seminar
for medical students in the clinical phase or post graduate studies (e.g. Dr. rer. medic, 2 SWS [period+preparation]).

systems biology - 2016-2023

Biology - Bioinformatics 1 - Systems Biology >> DETAILS

Type: lecture
for medical students in the pre-clinical phase or clinical phase or for post graduate studies (e.g. Dr. rer. medic, 7 lectures [double periods]).


Extra & curricular courses [ en ]
Institute Seminar Series
Computational Biology & R
Genome medicine & networks
Systems Biology, Bioinformatics-1

Internal Seminars & affiliated [ en ]
Systems Biology
Molecular Pathology


For the registration of
Topics in Computational Biology & Analysis of Scientific Data using R
Genome Medicine and Molecular Networks
download, print, and fill out the
registration form.

Then scan it and send it back by email.

A confirmation / kick-off email will be send back at the start of the lecture period.

Open questions? email

university calendar

See also the university calendar despite we are
-not- using the administrative features.

Choose the semester:


--> Course Overview
--> Medizin
--> III.Extracurriculare Einrichtungen
--> 8. Bioinformatics, Computational &
      Systems Biology