science & society

Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany

Art. 5 (3)

Arts and science, research and teaching are free.

The freedom of teaching does not absolve one from loyalty to the constitution.

science & society

Ups and Downs & Responsability
A Role Model at the University

The talk of molecular biologist Prof.Dr. Ulrike Beisiegel at the online-congress "Challenges for Peace and the Environment" 27th to 28th November 2020.

On the position of the university in society and their responsability.

All talks of the congress, organized by NatWiss - Responsibility for Peace and Sustainability.

Former President Prof.Dr. Ulrike Beisiegel's page at the Georg-August University of Göttingen 2011-2019.
A nice example of university politics, diverging objectives, hall of fame, fortune and fall.

science & society

Dynamic research needs the 'OPEN' movements

The platform aims to meet the growing demand for information on the subject of Open Access (OA). This platform gathers links to information sources.
Supported by the Free Universities of Berlin, Göttingen, Konstanz, Bielefeld.

science & society

How science seems to work

Your excellent manuscript was rejected despite all rules of scientific excellence were applied?
You might find some words of comfort - and a stringent analysis of the system too - in the publication of TS Kuhn.

The Structure of Scientific Revolutions by TS Kuhn
publisher: University of Chicago Press, 1962,
4th ed., 2012
ISBN 9780226458113

German translation by
K Simon, Suhrkamp 2001
ISBN: 978-3-518-27625-9

science & society

History of the universities - I

If you are part of the university, you might be interested in strategies to not being consumed by others opinions. Be inspired to develop own concepts based on GG Art. 5 (3) and the specific historical phenomenon called 'university' with the following books.
Try to understand the developed core concepts and evolve the concept slowly, instead to erode the university by rashness.

Geschichte der europäischen Universität von Wolfgang Weber
publisher: Kohlhammer; 1st ed., Jan. 2002, language: German, ISBN-10: 3170164821, ISBN-13: 978-3170164826
Die Universität. Geschichte einer europäischen Institution von Hans-Albrecht Koch
publisher: Primus; 1st ed., Feb. 2008, language: German, ISBN-10: 3896786296, ISBN-13: 978-3896786296

After that you might compare it with reality and everyday politics (HZG 2014).

science & society

Self-conception of the universities

The Magna Charta Observatory of Fundamental University Values and Rights is founded by the University of Bologna and the European University Association (EUA).

The Magna Charta Universitatum (EN) (DE) is signed by e.g. the University of Muenster.

Some brief facts on the university and the concept of research.

You might want this type of university: Humboldtian science and Humboldtian model of higher education.

Learn how science worked in the past - Renaissance - or get a general insight into the evolution of human culture - time lines.

science & society

History of the universities - II

Geschichte der Universität in Europa, Bd.1 Mittelalter, Hrsg. Walter Rüegg
publisher: C.H.Beck; 1st ed., 1993, language: German, ISBN-10: 3406369529
Geschichte der Universität in Europa, Bd.2 Von der Reformation zur Französischen Revolution, Hrsg. Walter Rüegg
publisher: C.H.Beck; 1st ed., 1996, language: German, ISBN-10: 3406369537
Geschichte der Universität in Europa, Bd.3 Vom 19.Jahrhundert zum Zweiten Weltkrieg, Hrsg. Walter Rüegg
publisher: C.H.Beck; 1st ed., 2004, language: German, ISBN-10: 3406369545
Geschichte der Universität in Europa, Bd.4 Vom Zweiten Weltkrieg bis zum Ende des 20.Jahrhunderts, Hrsg. Walter Rüegg
publisher: C.H.Beck; 1st ed., 2010, language: German, ISBN-10: 3406369551
science & society

Save the planet -
have one fewer child

Scientists in Canada and Sweden - Seth Wynes and Kimberly A Nicholas - had published in July 2017 an article on a ranking of the most efficient actions everyone can adopt to work against the ongoing climate change by primarily reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One of the stunning results are that by far the most efficient life style change is to have one fewer child
Article: Environ. Res. Lett.12(2017) 074024.

Furthermore they reveal that "high school science textbooks from Canada largely fail to mention these" most impacting actions.
Moreover, "Government resources on climate change from the EU, USA, Canada, and Australia ... focus on recommendations of lower-impact actions."

CONCLUSIO: child number 3, 4, and above are free to live without children ... ;)

science & society

A timeless book on the natural and applied sciences and their technocratic orientation.

The theater text book "Leben des Galilei, Schauspiel" [by Bertolt Brecht, English translation 'Galileo' or 'Life of Galileo'] is perfectly sketching the life of a modern scientist as a base and slave of modern power.

Leben des Galilei: Schauspiel von Bertolt Brecht
Publisher: Suhrkamp, 1998, language: German, ISBN-10: 3518100017, ISBN-13: 978-3518100011

Galileo by Bertolt Brecht, Play
Publisher: Grove Press, New York; Evergreen. edition, 1994, language: Englisch (Charles Laughton et al.), ISBN-10: 0802130593, ISBN-13: 978-0802130594

Life of Galileo by Bertolt Brecht, Play
Publisher: Penguin Classics, Penguin Group New York; Reprint edition, 2008, language: Englisch (Stefan S. Brecht, Charles Laughton, et al.), ISBN-10: 0143105388, ISBN-13: 978-0143105381
science & society

Find more resources to follow the ideal

Foundation for a Free Information Infrastructure - FFII - e.g. the digital world and much more.

Science and Responsibility - BdWi

Information Technology and Society - FIfF

Science and Peace - W&F

Democracy and control - lobby control - abgeordneten watch -

Scientific projects on Sourceforge .
or start your own software repository and development platform based on git .
science & society

REIGN versus EVOLUTION - - The Head of the BMBF is commanding science,

Let me briefly outline the four pillars of our AI strategy. First. Artificial intelligence is essential for our important economy. (...) We will invest 3 billion euros by 2025. So that we make a decisive contribution to our international competitiveness.

Secondly. The competition we face is in first and foremost a competition for talent. Also in them we will invest. We create the framework conditions for the best in the world to come to us. We implement 100 new professorships at the universities. (...)

Third. We network. (...) We want excellence, visible all over Germany. Research and teaching needs to be cross-linked: national, European, but also internationally. (...) to light up "AI made in Germany".

This is the fourth pillar on which our strategy is based. We are not in China. (...) But we are also not in the US. We go another one, one's own way. We are guided by our Christian image of man. Every technological advance has become to rank behind it. (...)

The full speech of the Minister Anja Karliczek, a former hotel manager, is available in German on record of the federal parliament, Feb.2019.

science & society

The science world is changing

The truth disappears in the fog.

Find a good investigation on the professional biography of K.L. in especially analysis no.5 .

It's a fascinating journey into the very foundations of society.

Sapere aude !

science & society

Medical staff is analyzing medical history

The book outlines a history of European medicine from Hippocrates to Corona. The partially redundant structure does not impede legibility and overall it is inspiring for people who work in this institution. The critical reception of history could make it possible to develop and introduce reforms in the system itself.

ISBN: 978-3-7423-1776-6

science & society

Defending science and research

[no success, no website any longer]

The Coalition for Action - Copyright for Education and Research (www. urheberrechtsbuendnis .de) aims to preserve free access to global information at all times and from any place for the purposes of education and science.

An insight into the important topics for independent and efficient scientific research.

science & society

Science Absolutism

Wouldn't it be better to spend 50,000 Euro to a young scientist ?

DFG press release