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Patient groups

Multiple osteochondromas

MHE Research Foundation (English)

Hereditary Multiple Exostoses (EXT) Support Group (English)

HME-MO Lotgenotencontactgroep Nederland (Dutch)

The MHE Coalition (English)

BSHV Exostosen (German)



AAMED American Association of Multiple Enchondroma Diseases (English)


Paget disease

The Paget Foundation (English)

NL paget patienten vereniging (Dutch)

The Paget foundation (English)

Italian Society for Paget's Disease (Italian)

National Association for the Relief of Paget's disease (English)


Langerhans cell hystiocytosis

Stichting LCH (Dutch)

Langerhans Cel Histiocytose Belgium VZW (Dutch) (English)

LCH register (German)

Histiocytosis Research Trust (English)


Chondrosarcoma (English)

Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma (English)



Eurordis (English, website on rare diseases)

ICCCPO (English, website from Childhood Cancer Parent Organisations)

VOKK (Dutch, Childhood Cancer Parent Organisation) (Dutch, website for children with childhood cancer)

SKION Homepage (Dutch, childhood cancer)

The Liddy Shriver Sarcoma Initiative (English, sarcomas)

International Union Against Cancer (English)

Adult bone cancer survivors (English)

Bone and joint decade (English)


Scientific organisations

Int. Society of Bone and Soft Tissue Pathology (English)

British Division of the I A P (English)

CTOS (English)

EMSOS (English)

EORTC (English)

EURAMOS (English)

International Academy of Pathology (English)

Italian Sarcoma Group (Italian)

Nederlandse Commissie voor Beentumoren (Dutch)

Scandinavian Sarcoma Group (English)

The International Skeletal Society (English)

The Royal College of Pathologists Home (English)

United States and Canadian Academy of Pathology (English)



siope (English)


Patient organizations


Chordomafoundation (English)